Portfolio > Finding the Light

Spring Break: The Night We Made Contact
Spring Break: The Night We Made Contact
oil on canvas
74" x 60"

During my first Spring Break of grad school, Harvey and I drove to visit Mel and Hermione. It was nice existing outside of the stress. We were able to sit together in the same space without feeling the need to be doing anything. We had time. It was a safe space for all of us.

When the sun went down, Mel would turn on pink string lights and everything became even more beautiful:the light unifying the colors and patterns, shifting their temperatures and saturations. She would then sit down in an armchair to play her video game , the light from the screen illuminating her face. Hermione would watch and choose a lap to nap on depending on where we both were and what we were doing. Looking for the best opportunity for attention and comfort. When she chose me, she would rub her head into my beard, making a weird breathy noise that sounded kind of wet.

A soft, green light pushes through the window. Perhaps this is the color of the sky on this spring evening, it is also my fear of leaving this safe space.